After 2 weeks of vigorous rainfall over most parts of the country excluding parts of Tamil Nadu, North and south interior Karnataka, the north eastern states and Northern Rajasthan, floods have been reported from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar pradesh, Jammu, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and with release of surplus water from dams in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu a possibility of floods in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu as well.
The vigorous phase has been downgraded to an active phase with extremely heavy rainfall subsiding over much of the western ghats and north and central india. After a brief lull between 4th to 7th August, rather heavy rainfall is set to commence over the southern peninsula, although the western ghats may see below normal rainfall for the period through to the third week of august, currently parched regions of tamil nadu should see some rainfall in the second week of august, as will most of interior andhra pradesh extending north, north west into maharashtra and madhya pradesh.
The North eastern states should start seeing normal rainfall and expect big numbers from the bigwigs of mawsynram and cherrapunji from the second week of august.
A warning here that rainfall will not be as good as it was in the second half of July.
Apart from this, A negative IOD and neutral ENSO could prevent too much moisture building up over the bay, most long range forecasts show a neutral IOD developing by October and the neutral ENSO conditions continuing into January.
Coming to the cities of Chennai and Bangalore, Chennai will see irregular, scattered thunder showers on approximately 2 days a week through August, maximum temperatures will remain between 31 - 36 degrees through the month and minimums between 23 - 28 degrees respectively.
Bangalore will have thundershowers in spells of 2 - 3 days and then a break for 2 days and then rain for 2 days again. Rain should be mainly widespread but could be isolated on days. Maximum rainfall day could see around 70mm after the second week of August, considering August is the third wettest month for bangalore it needs an average of 120mm for the month. Maximum temperatures will be around the 24 - 30 degrees mark and minimum temperatures will be around the 18 - 22 degrees mark respectively. Wind speeds will begin to decrease after the 7th or 8th of August in bangalore and aid in Thunderstorm development although it will increase again after the 15th and fall again after the 23rd.
Please do visit the Stanley reservoir, it is a beautiful sight to see it full and that too with water gushing out the other side. A very rare sight indeed. Be safe and God Bless!!!
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